Application Form

Please complete the following form.

Personal Details
First Names
A value is required.
A value is required.
ID Number
A value is required.
Email Address
A value is required.
Business Details  
Name of the Business
A value is required.
Postal Address of Business
A value is required.
Physical Address of Business
A value is required.
Cellphone Number
A value is required.
Telephone Number
Alternative Contact Number
Relative Questions  
How did you hear about us?
Level of Education
Do you have a Disability? Please specify Disability
Do you have an Auto Industry Qualification
If yes, please specify
Do you have at least 2 years experience
in the automative industry
Will you have time to attend
business related training courses?
Do you have any savings that could be
used to cover start-up costs for the business?
Do you have any experience in
managing a business?
Is the business registered as a legal entity?
If Yes, please explain
Are you computer literate to a reasonable level?
Is the business registered for VAT?
Do you belong to an Automotive OR Business Organisation?
If yes, please specify Organisation Name
Do you have a Business Plan?
Education and Experience Details  

Please list all Tertiary Qualifications
(certificate; diploma; degree or post graduate –please specify).
Date Completed

Date Completed

Date Completed


Please list all Work/ Business Experience
(PLEASE NOTE: Complete this section very carefully with as much information as possible; AS IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!)
Date Start Date End

Date Start Date End

Date Start Date End

Please write a brief motivation as to why you should be included in SATEC's Incubation Process.
Please make a selection.I hereby declare that all information contained in this application form is true and correct and that I am aware that an application does not guarantee an interview or entrance or acceptance into the training program or any of SATeC’s services or products. SATeC (Seda Automotive Technology Centre, a Section 21 Company) reserves the right to grant or deny access to its services and products at its sole discretion.