The Mandate of SATeC
SATeC is mandated, through the Seda Stp Programme, to incubate SMME's for the South African Automotive Industry. In terms of the scope of SATeC's mandate, the following must be considered:
- SATeC is part of Seda's Stp programme and therefore operates within the context of this programme.
- Although Stp is a technology based programme, this does not necessarily mean "high" or "cutting edge" technology in its broader sense.
- SATeC's focus is not restricted to the development of product based entities, service based entities are of equal importance.
- An incubator in its strictest definition focuses on establishing new businesses. Considering the context of many "informal" businesses operating on the fringes of the South African automotive industry, SATeC's mandate extends to the development and "formalization" of existing, but inhibited SMME's to play a meaningful role in a very demanding industry sector.
- SATeC's primary focus is on small enterprises. SATeC recognizes that a few micro enterprises exist within the South African automotive industry and these will not be excluded. In terms of medium sized enterprises, it is part of SATeC's mandate to assist those companies who wish to establish new small companies. SATeC's mandate does not include assisting medium and large companies who inherently want to develop new products and services, without meeting the criteria of doing so through the creation of a new, small start-up.
- Preference is given to the development of BBBEE companies, but not exclusively so.